"I am always astonished by the beauty I see and wish to capture as much of that feeling as possible on canvas."

Jennifer is a self-taught artist who grew up in the small town of Post Falls in northern Idaho. Her talent grew steadily through childhood winning her many awards. A prolific pre-teen artist, Jennifer was selling her commercially available artwork by age 11. By the age of 18, she was a recognized artist who was receiving commissions to do decorative wall murals. When she was 23, she took an extended trip through Europe, where she discovered firsthand, murals and works of art by famous Renaissance and impressionist artists who helped inspire her love of art and intensify her passion to make it available to everyone. Upon her return from Europe she teamed up with her mother in starting a home interior design company which became a launching platform for her artistic endeavors. Today her craftsmanship can be found in homes and businesses throughout the northwest.

With her many years of residential and commercial art experience, Jennifer offers decorative murals with a professional, polished look. She brings her diverse talents and passion for art to every project she encounters, always striving to bring to life the visions and creative concepts of her clients. Jennifer is not limited to just walls, she is also an avid fan of painting on canvas. Greatly influenced by the mountains and fields of north Idaho, eastern Washington, and western Montana, her art works portray both
wildlife and landscape genres.